逆轉糖尿病-控糖攻略實例! |
00:00 疫情最新資訊; 03:08 中醫治療糖尿病方法; 05:35 中醫治癒糖尿病案例分享; 10:47 最符合自然規律的吃飯睡覺時間; 18:07 168斷食可取嗎? 19:00 人體有天然的斷食時間; 23:22 糖尿病患者極度口渴怎麽辦? 32:45 糖尿病患者總是感到飢餓怎麽辦? 40:24 糖尿病病人多尿調理方法; 48:41 降血糖效果特別好的穴位; 51:24 中醫避免糖尿病患者截肢方法; 56:58 糖尿病足患者食療方; |
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~~~ 广 告 ~~~
TIPs: Retail Item prices & shipping costs for the same products may differ among different countries. Price comparison is suggested.
New experience! Shopping around different countries, while sitting at home.
New experience! Shopping around different countries, while sitting at home.