00:00 疫情最新資訊; 04:15 居全球第一位的後天失明原因; 05:38 緩解白内障古代中醫治療方法; 16:55 白内障治療案例; 20:25 逆轉白内障古法護眼操; 29:28 護眼操對其它眼病的效果; 35:25 恢復眼睛功能的自然療法; 42:31 眼底出血治療方法; 49:48 視力退化可以用護眼操嗎? 51:38 快速恢復眼睛疲勞的方法; 54:43 緩解長期新冠疲勞的方法。 |
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~~~ 广 告 ~~~
TIPs: Retail Item prices & shipping costs for the same products may differ among different countries. Price comparison is suggested.
New experience! Shopping around different countries, while sitting at home.
New experience! Shopping around different countries, while sitting at home.